Sunday, March 14, 2010

Story 1

I'm teaching the last class in form four, 4F. There are two female students who are very weak(they are the weakest students in the whole form). I didn't know how to approach these students. They are not only weak students, but are also very passive and shy. So, what I did for the past weeks was ignoring them and just taught the class as a whole. But last week, I decided to do something. I photocopied worksheet from primary exercice book and was excited to really teach them for the first time.
I gave a task to the other students first, then I went to see 'them'. One of them said to me 'xmau buat' I was shocked.
'Why? Kenapa xmau buat?'
'nie mcm budak sekolah rendah...'
My response
1- good that you speak up.
2- sorry, I forgot about the psychosocial factor
3- u can't even do that one!!!!! I'm trying to help you here!!!!!!!!
hmm...till then.


  1. malu??? haha. mebe u cn teach her malu in eng is shy so lain kali she can use the word 'shy'.

    owh. its susa ajar unmotivated & passive students dr yg bising.

  2. hehe..brilliant ideas..sket2 lama2 jd bukit kan...hehe
